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In our third year, our Adoration Gatherings women's ministry is hosting PLAN PRAY PURSUE Virtual Women's Conference. Apart from this amazing online event is the opportunity for small business owners, authors, and service providers to share their offerings with our community.
Browse the online store. Click on the image to purchase. All purchases are done on the website of the product/service provider.
Interested in showcasing your products or services?
Complete our quick interest form. We will reach out to you with the next step in showcasing this year's PopUp Shop. Note, that we kindly reserve the right to decline any product/service or content that does not align with our messaging, church mission, and values.
Before purchasing be sure you understand each vendor's service agreements. All purchases made are between you and the respective vendor. Experience Church International is not involved in or responsible for product/service quality or your purchase experience with any vendor.
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